黄熱病の予防接種を安く受ける方法 How to take a vaccination of yellow fever cheaply #007





Hello, everyone! I'm Nao Murata. 1 week has passed since I started writing web log, NAO's diary to come true my dream. I wanna keep writing this!!



How were you spending this week?



Today, I wanna tell you more detailed information about yellow fever that I wrote about also yesterday :)



Quarantine in Thailand, in 2020

目次 [:contents]


黄熱病とは What is yellow fever?


As I explained a little yesterday, yellow fever is an infectious disease caused by the yellow fever virus transmitted by mosquitoes. The treatment has not established yet and there is only supportive measures.
It is said that there is a 30-50% possibility of dying in the worst case if you have yellow fever⚠️




Although such a yellow fever is so terrible, you can take vaccination, and once you are vaccinated, the effect will be kept throughout your life.
It takes at least 10 days for the antibody to be completed after receiving the vaccination. So when traveling to Africa and South America, which are considered to be at high risk of infection of yellow fever, be sure to take a vaccination at least 2 weeks before entering the country!!


安く予防接種を受けるには How to take a vaccination of yellow fever cheaply


What I investigated is a cheap way to get a yellow fever vaccination in Vietnam and Thailand where I actually went in February this year💉


By the way, I have heard from a friend in Japan that I was able to get the vaccination for 3,000 yen, but actually it is 17,680 yen now. When included the initial visit hospital fee, it seems that it costs about 20,000 yen to get a yellow fever vaccination in Japan!


I asked quarantine how much it costs to take the vaccination!



タイ🇹🇭 Thailand


『黄熱病 タイ』と調べれば必ず出てきます。

Speaking of yellow fever vaccination in Thailand, Snake Farm is a famous hospital.
If you look up "Yellow Fever Thailand", it will definitely come out.






Plz note that Snake Farm is closed on Sundays!
To be precise, even on Sundays, the emergency department of the hospital is open, but vaccination is not available ⚠️



I wandered around Bangkok for about 4 hours while trying to take a yellow fever vaccination in time between transits in Thailand. It was Sunday, but I went there because it seemed to be open. Even though I knew that it was a holiday. But it was only for an emergency outpatient 😇




But at the last minute of my next flight, I knew that I could actually take a yellow fever vaccination at the airport (lol) After returning to the airport, I hurried to the quarantine station and take that!!



At Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Thailand, you can get a yellow fever vaccination at a quarantine station for 700 baht (about 2100 yen)!! It seems that it costs 1200 Baht (about 3600 yen) at Snake Farm, so it is far cheaper to take it at the airport!


ベトナム🇻🇳 Vietnam

ベトナムではハノイNguyen Chi Thanhのワクチンセンターというところがあって、そちらで黄熱病の予防接種を受けることができます💉


In Vietnam, there is a vaccine center of Nguyen Chi Thanh in Hanoi, where you can get yellow fever vaccination 💉
When I actually visited, I heard that I can get a yellow fever vaccination only on Monday and Saturday!

Nguyen Chi Thanhのワクチンセンターのサイトはコチラ↓↓↓

Here is the web site of Nguyen Chi Thanh




費用はインターナショナルクリニック、 国際病院よりも安価であるとはベトナムの別の病院から聞きました。ベトナムでも日本より安く打てるのは間違いないようですね!

I went to Tuesday the day before departure 😇
I heard from another hospital in Vietnam that the cost is cheaper than International Clinic or an international hospital. There seems to be no doubt that you can take yellow fever vaccination in Vietnam cheaper than you take that in Japan!


(All of the above are information as of the end of February 2020 🌱)



Today's gardening




After working the night shift and sleeping for 6 hours, I am writing this article now! I was able to continue writing web log for a week.🌷 Good!!

I would like to thank all the people who really cheer me. I have many messages from different friends every day. I'm really happy!



After uploading this article, I think that I am studying SEO measures to power up blogs and working out. ‪💭‬


Everybody around me starts new things by using this time when we should stay home, not wasting time, which is very inspiring me.🔥



My university teacher is asking me to summarize my Uganda experience in Word, and I am doing it now! I am putting a lot of effort to write it!



To come true my bucket lists, I kept working hard also today.🌱


終わりに In the end


Dear guys who are interested in Africa, or South America and South-east Asia, and wanna go there, I recommend you to make a plan of traveling overseas in next spring w/ reading my articles of today's and yesterday's!



Nurture your dreams and think about what you can do now! I will still enjoy my self-restraint period👌🏻



I'll write about the story that I was stolen my money in Vietnam so check it out tomorrow! Thank you very much.