アフリカ渡航で準備するべき6つのこと 6 things you should do to go to Africa #006


Hello, I'm Nao Murata!! 



From today, my part-time job life, I work for 8-9 hours everyday, is started. Ooooh..

I wanna keep writing web logs! I must do my part-time job!! Can I keep writing this diary!!??

I'll do my best.



Dear you who think that you wanna go to Africa!! Today's topic is the special edition!!

Plz read this article to the end though also today's is sooo long! Thank you very much!!



Yellow card in Thailand, in 2020


目次 [:contents]



What you should do to go to Africa


Let me get to the points first. What you need to prepare is the following.

この6点です✋🏻👍🏻 These 6 points.


たびレジの登録 Registration of Tabireji


Let's register for Tabireji by Ministry of Foreign Affairs after you decide the country in Africa where you will go!! While you are staying abroad, you can get information about your staying country or the country you will stay from now from the Japanese Embassy.



Actually, I got information about Ugandan safety and the relief service by registering Tabireji while I'm staying in Uganda. Especially when staying abroad, gathering information leads to protect own safety! It's very important so get any information from SNS or Internet as much as you can search!!


This is the web site to register for Tabireji.




Taking Travel Insurance



I hear that it costs unbelievable amount of money if sth happens in foreign countries. Depending on the situation, for example if we get hospitalized abroad for a few days, it seems that there is a possibility for us to be charged about 1,000,000 yen... 

Therefore, I absolutely take travel insurance whenever I go abroad. The that is very high in Africa so I really recommend you to take that.



I paid 20,000 yen to take travel insurance for a month and 2 weeks when I went to Uganda in this March. To people who think that it is expensive to pay 20,000 yen to take that, I recommend to have a credit card. And then, plz check exactly if the credit card is w/ travel insurance or not.


By the way, both Mr. Hara and I have a EPOS card.



Have a credit card


Not only being w/ travel insurance, but also credit cards are very useful when you run out of money and withdraw from your back account in foreign countries. Even if you have money in your account, you cannot withdraw money abroad without a credit card. My credit card wasn't set up for cash advance overseas, so I was helped by Kanta Hara during my stay in Uganda.




When you go abroad especially alone, check the following. Is your credit  with travel insurance? and Can you use cash advance overseas? Make sure to check two points and bring your credit card with you! !!
If you are a student, the limit on the amount you can spend on your card is sometimes low or there is a possibility that your card has many restrictions including cash advance. Therefore make sure you check carefully!!

黄熱病の予防接種 Vaccination of yellow fever



This is the most important in this article! 

We can often hear that a yellow fever vaccination is very cheap in Thailand. In Japan, it costs nearly 20,000 yen, while in Thailand and Vietnam it costs around 2,000-3,000 yen to take that. For details, I would like to introduce you later.




If we can have the same effect, we would be happy to get a yellow fever vaccination cheaply in Thailand or Vietnam on the way of traveling. However, the important thing is that it takes at least 10 days for us from we taking the yellow fever vaccination to the completion of the antibody. Also if you have yellow fever before the antibody is completed, it is said that the mortality rate is 30-50%. Be sure to take the vaccination at least 2 weeks before entering the country!!! If you only have to take that in Japan, it's expensive but be sure to do so before you go to Africa!!!



Yellow fever vaccination is effective for a lifetime once you take that. So if you are thinking of going to Africa, I think that you should take that w/ the first priority before getting flight tickets!!


虫除け対策 Insects repellent


When you go to not only Africa, but also South America and South-east Asia where there is a risk of yellow fever and malaria, be sure to take insects repellent.



The infection route of yellow fever and malaria is mainly mosquitoes. In regard to malaria, there is not vaccination but there are preventive medicines such as malalon and mefloquine. But the risk of side effects must be considered and it is very expensive. It is important to take insects repellent as priority before purchasing preventive medicine of maralia! It's a good idea to bring some insect repellent cream or sth like one-push mosquito net substitute from Japan👌🏻 Also be sure to bring long-sleeved and long pants!


スマホSIMフリーにする Make your phone unlocked

これもめちゃめちゃ重要です!私はauなので幸い海外からSIMロック解除ができましたが、他の3大モバイル会社と言われるSoftBankdocomo海外からSIMロック解除ができません。SIMロック解除することなく海外に行ってしまったら為す術がありません。高いお金を払って現地の携帯を購入するかポケット WiFiを購入するか、、、


This is also very important! Cellular carriers I'm using is au in Japan so I was fortunate to be able to unlock SIM from overseas. But if you use SoftBank and docomo, which are three major cellular carriers, you cannot unlock SIM from abroad. There is no way to do that if you go abroad w/o unlocking the SIM. Pay a high price to buy a local cell phone or pocket WiFi ...You have no choice but to have a communication tool.
In any case, if you bring a SIM-free smartphone, the phone bill will surely be cheaper!



I was wondering if I could use my smartphone only where there is Wifi. However I strongly recommend that you bring a SIM-free smartphone to Africa and insert the SIM of your staying country cuz you could lose your life if there is no communication tools when sth happens.





All of the above are, of course, totally obvious. But I was not able to do them at all, and made my friends annoyed and worried.
By seeing my failure story, I hope that many people will not fail like me 🌱


今日のガーデニング Today's gardening


Hey guys, I messed up!! I went back to sleep and I got up 10 a.m. today:_(



But I made a fresh start, I checked my previous 5 articles and added or fixed sentences or pictures. Plz look back the articles if you want. Also I will make this web log greater by using HTML and CSS:)



I keep sth I wanna keep doing like workout or web log. But I took a break from studying today, instead I cleaned my room, drank a cup of milk tea, and so on.




I had a relax time more than usual. Somedays are like this and I like. It eases my heart.

What do I wanna do tomorrow? :)


終わりに In the end


I've been to Africa twice. My experience may be useful so I told you "What you should do to go to Africa".




If you prepare what I said in this article exactly, you can stay in Africa safely!! I'm very happy if this article is useful for people, who think that they wanna go to Africa but feel scared, to be able to take one step :)



Thank you very much for reading to the end!! See you soon.