私のバケットリスト100 My Backet Lists 100 #002





Hello, everyone. I'm Nao Murata.

Today is the 2nd day of NAO's diary to come true my dream.

I'm happy cuz this blog was accessed 100 times in the first day!!

Thank you very much for reading this. And I'm glad if you read also today's article to the last.



I wanna introduce "Backet Lists" to you. This is essential for this diary.



Make your Backet Lists!


目次 [:contents]



What is Backet Lists?


英語の"kick the bucket"(=死ぬ) というイディオムからきているようです。

Backet Lists is "the lists you wanna do before you die".

It derives from an English idiom, "kick the bucket" that means "die".






YOLO!! I wanna cherish and enjoy my life.

I believe that backet lists make it fulfilling that is money, time, relationship, and even feelings like not only happy, fun, or other positive ones but also like sad, hard, or other negative ones.

My dreams are mine, and your dreams are yours.We have the right to speak our dreams!!

Let's make your backet lists together!!


村田有のバケットリスト100 NAO's backet lists 100



I recommend you to classify your dreams into some categories when you write your backet lists.

My backet lists have following 6 categories.


ライフスタイル、旅…Lifestyle, Travels

  1. 世界一周する Travel all of the world 
  2. バックパッカーになる Become a Backpacker
  3. 旅系、海外系YouTuberになる Become a traveling YouTuber
  4. 海外でヒッチハイクしてみる Try hitchhiking in foreign countries
  5. 全ての国でホームステイする Stay w/ host family around the world
  6. ヒッチハイクで日本一周する Travel all of Japan by hitchhiking
  7. ワーホリで1年以上海外で過ごす Live abroad for more than 1 year on a working holiday visa
  8. 海外で『田舎に泊まろう』 Stay abroad w/ host family in a countryside
  9. 海外で『0円食堂』 Cook abroad by using sth can be eaten but people throw away
  10. 世界遺産全制覇する Travel all of the world heritages
  11. 全大陸制覇する Travel all of the world continents
  12. 陸路で国境超えてみる Try to closs a border overland 
  13. お母さんと海外旅行する Travel abroad w/ my mom
  14. もう1度ハワイでサイクリングする  Go cycling in Hawaii again
  15. 船で運河を渡る Cross a canal by a ship
  16. ウユニ塩湖で満点の星空の下写真を撮る Take pictures under starlit night at Salar de Uyuni
  17. 感動するお花畑に行く Go to an impressive flower garden 
  18. エベレスト登頂する Clime Mt. Everest
  19. アマゾン川をいかだで下る Down Amazon river by a raft
  20. オーロラを見る Watch aurora
  21. 白夜を見る Watch the midnight sun
  22. キャンピングカーで旅する Travel by a camping car
  23. ゾウさんに乗る Ride an elephant
  24. ライオンに触る Touch a lion
  25. イルカと泳ぐ Swim w/ dolphins
  26. バンジージャンプする Try bungee jumping
  27. スカイダイビングする Try sky diving
  28. タランチュラ食べてみる Try eating a tarantula
  29. 世界中で1ヵ国に1人以上の友達をつくる Make friends all over the world
  30. 海が見える家に住む Live in a house where I can see the sea
  31. お花いっぱいの森に住む Live in woods where a lot of flowers bloom
  32. フグリッド生活をする Off-grid living
  33. 宇宙に行く Go to space


身につけたいスキル、勉強…Skills, Learning

  1. TOEIC800超える Get more than 800 score on TOEIC
  2. フランス語が使えるようになる Acquire French
  3. スペイン語が使えるようになる Acquire Spanish
  4. 中国語が使えるようになる Acquire Chinese
  5. アラビア語が使えるようになる Acquire Arabic
  6. 世界遺産検定1級をとる Get the first grade on test of world heritage study
  7. HTMLとCSSを習得する Acquire HTML and CSS
  8. 自分のwebサイトをつくる Create my website
  9. 簿記検定2級に合格する Pass the exam of bookkeeping level 2
  10. ハーブティーの資格とる To get certified w/ herb tea
  11. 大学院進学して平和学を研究する Study Peace at a grad school
  12. ラテアートができるようになる Can make latte art
  13. 動画編集できるようになる Can edit videos
  14. タイピングがめちゃ早くできるようになる Can type fast
  15. 楽器1つ習得する Acquire one instrument
  16. 茶華道を習得する Acquire Sado and Kado


ビジネス、お金…Business, Money

  1. 学生起業してみる Start business while I'm a student
  2. アプリを開発する Invent an application
  3. 月50万円以上稼げるようになる Earn 500,000 yen a month
  4. ブログで毎日投稿1000日記録 Keep write web log for 1,000 days everyday
  5. ブログで稼げるようになる Earn in web log
  6. YouTubeで稼げるようになる Earn in YouTube
  7. 投資で稼げるようになる Earn in Investment
  8. アフリカに雇用をつくる Make employment in Africa
  9. 草の根で活動している人を応援できるビジネスをつくる Make a business that we can encourage people working for the poor
  10. ハーブティーのブランドをつくる Make a bland of harb tea
  11. 貧困問題解決に繫がるカフェを開業する Open a cafe that I can solve the poverty problem
  12. ノーベル平和賞を受賞する Get a Noble Peace Prize
  13. 本を出版する Publish a book
  14. カフェで働いてみる Work at a cafe
  15. テレビ出演のオファーを受ける Get an offer from a TV station


家族、恋愛…Family, Love

  1. 結婚する Get married
  2. ウェディングドレスを着る Wear a wedding dress
  3. お母さんになる Be mother
  4. おばあちゃんになる Be grand mother
  5. レシピ見ずに料理できるようになる Can cook w/o checking recipe
  6. 祖父母孝行の身内イベントをする Do a small event to tell the thank to my grandpas
  7. むーちゃんの思い出アルバムつくる Make memorise album of Muu
  8. おさるさん飼う(チンパンジー可) Have a monkey or chimpanzee
  9. サンタさんになる Be Santa
  10. 家族4人で飲みに行く Go out for drink w/ my family


自分磨き…Improving myself

  1. 歯並びよくする Get braces
  2. 歯を満足するまで白くする Make my teeth white
  3. 小顔だねと言われる Make my face smaller
  4. 手を褒められる Make my hands beautiful
  5. 中身が美しい人になる Make my personality beautiful
  6. ヘアードネーションする Donate my hair
  7. 腹筋をわる Get six pack
  8. 腕立て伏せができるようになる Can push ups
  9. 体脂肪率を10-15%にする Make my body fat 10-15%
  10. ワークアウトを1年間続ける Keep my routine of workout for one year
  11. 読書年100冊 Read 100 books a year
  12. 映画年100本 Watch 100 movies a year


ほしいもの、その他…Something I want, etc.

  1. Macを買う Buy a MacBook
  2. 一眼レフを買う Buy a SLR camera
  3. ホームシアターを買う Buy a home theater
  4. 自分の車を持つ Have my car
  5. TEDに登壇する Speak on TED
  6. TIMEの世界に影響を与える100人に選ばれる Being chosen by TIME: The 100 Most Influential Peoole
  7. 自分の部屋の壁1面を本で埋める Have study room w/ many books
  8. 誰かのヒーローになる Be someone's hero
  9. ボーイスカウトに復帰する Be a boyscout again
  10. もう1度、世界ジャンボリーに参加する Participate in WSJ again
  11. 中学生のときの恩師に会いに行く Go and meet my former teacher 
  12. 友達の結婚式に呼ばれる Be invited to my friend's wedding
  13. 80歳の自分にタイムカプセル Send me of 80 a time capsule
  14. 自分のお葬式を計画する Plan my funeral
  15. 生まれてきて幸せだったと心から感じて死ぬ Die w/ feeling that I'm happy I was born





As I introduced myself in my first article of this diary, I'm interested in international cooperation. What I wanna keep to do is "living affectionately and politely" in the process that I come true my dreams. In that, I'd like to keep having consciousness that I contribute to world peace.



For example, Just by each having consciousness usually to separate wastes correctly, it will become great help for the earth. Shall we cherish this earth we live?



Today's gardening




I liken backet lists to gardening. If we seed own dreams and raising those by taking action to come true, those will sprout and eventually flowers bloom, dreams come true. We have to make efforts for flowers not to wither. Also we will wait w/ exciting until flowers come out. So I think that backet lists and gardening are so alike. 



Today, I gave water to my skills of programming and writing blogs. Cuz I skipped working out yesterday, I start doing that again from today! Today was my first day to come true my dream, making it daily routine for a year to work out. I mean I seeded my dream of workout.



Also, I hung out my futon in the sun and wiped flooring and window of my room w/ water today, and then, I felt sooo good!! So, I wanna clean my room more tomorrow! This is my goal of tomorrow.


終わりに In the end



Thank you very much for reading this article to the last today!!

You don't need to write your life edition of your backet lists. It's okay it is not 100. But I wanna recommend you to write anything you wanna do in this year or what you wanna try to do in this month. It is also good to write your goal of this week or today! When I write backet lists, I can check what I wanna do. And it makes it easier for me to take action to come true my dreams, and I can feel that maybe I can do all of my dreams!! Therefore, I can be excited and I like my backet lists.


皆さんもぜひ、今の #おうち時間バケットリストを作ってみてはいかがでしょうか。

Why don't you write your backet lists? Stay home and enjoy this time, now.



From tomorrow, I'll tell you about my experience of having stayed in Uganda last month. See you later:) 
